An In-Depth Analysis of Korean Econonomics and the Chaebol System
Author: F.Stone
Published: 10th September 2020
What Really Happened behind Brexit: A Series of Miscalculated Gambles
Author: H.Chellew
Published: 8th November 2020
Why Japan’s Debt Crisis isn’t a Crisis
Author: R.Nagata, ESG Analyst
Published: 18th May 2020
Solving Japan’s Stagnating Economy Through Regional Development
Author: Y.Kobayashi, Financial Consultant
Published: 14th June 2021
The Decreasing Relevance of Performance in the Stock Market
Author: Y.Kobayashi, Financial Consultant
Published: 26th March 2020
Discrimination of Bacterial Community Structures
Authors: T.Shiba, K.Komatsu, T.Koyanagi
Published: 16th September 2021
Open Link URL
Two-stage approach for class II mandibular furcation defect with insufficient keratinized mucosa
A case report with 3 years’ follow-up
Authors: H.Saida, T.Shiba
Published: 16th September 2021
Open Link URL
Non-Surgical Treatment for Periodontitis & Peri-implantitis:
Longitudinal Clinical and Bacteriological Findings — A case report with a 7-year follow-up evaluation
Authors: T.Shiba, K.Komatsu, T.Koyanagi
Published: 5th July 2021
Organization: TMDU 東京医科歯科大学
Open Link URL
Alloplastic Bone Substitutes for Periodontal and Bone Regeneration in Dentistry
Authors: M.Okada
Organization: TMDU 東京医科歯科大学
Published: 26th February 2021
Novel Diagnostic Approach for Periodontitis in Ancient Skeletons and Comparison for Periodontal Bacteria
of the Ancient and Modern times
Authors: T.Shiba, K.Komatsu, T.Iwata
Organization: TMDU 東京医科歯科大学
The Comparison of Periodontal Bacteria from Edo and Modern Periods
Authors: T.Shiba, K.Komatsu
Organization: TMDU 東京医科歯科大学
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