Language Consultation Services

Landing Page (Thanks) (ENG)

What happens next


Step1:Application Review

Our team will examine your application and assign a language consultant to you.


Step2:Setting up Meeting

The language consultant in charge will then set up a meeting to discuss further steps.


Step3:Explanation on ‘How to Use’

The language consultant will then proceed to explain how to use the language consulting service based on the plan that was chosen (Bronze, Silver, Gold).


Step4:Confirm Agreement

Both parties will agree upon commence period, terms of use, and other important details.


Step5:Begin Using!

Your company will now have a bilingual person with a business background at its disposal.
You are free to consult them as much as you like within the specific parameters set forth by your B2B plan and agreement.

Professionalism & Reliability

Our consultants hold themselves to the highest level of professionalism, reliability, and quality possible.